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Overview of Russia's foreign trade in 2021


According to statistics of the Russian Federation Customs, in 2021, Russia's foreign trade turnover reached 785 billion USD, up 38% compared to 2020. Trade surplus reached 198.16 billion USD, 92.72 billion USD higher than that of the year 2020.

According to statistics of the Russian Federation Customs, in 2021, Russia's foreign trade turnover reached 785 billion USD, up 38% compared to 2020. Trade surplus reached 198.16 billion USD, 92.72 billion USD higher than that of the year 2020.

Russia's merchandise exports in 2021 amounted to 491.58 billion USD, up 45.8% compared to 12 months of 2020. The proportion of exports to non-CIS countries accounted for 87.78%, while CIS countries accounted for 12.22%.

Russia's goods import turnover in 2021 reached 293.42 billion USD, up 26.7% compared to 2020. The proportion of imports from non-CIS countries accounted for 89.3%, and CIS countries accounted for 10.7%. .

The main trading partners of Russia (other than the CIS countries) in 2021 are: China 140.7 billion USD (up 35.2% compared to 2020), Germany - 57.0 billion USD (35.7%) , Netherlands - 46.4 billion USD (62.6%), USA - 34.4 billion USD (43.6%), Turkey - 33.0 billion USD (57.0%), Italy - 31, 4 billion USD (54.7%), South Korea - 29.9 billion USD (52.2%), United Kingdom - 26.7 billion USD (3.4%), Poland - 22.5 billion USD ( 56.2%), France - 22.0 billion USD (72.8%).


Import and export turnover between Vietnam and Russia in 2021 reached 7.14 billion USD, up 25.9% compared to 2020 and ranked 21st among the main trading partners of the Russian Federation. Vietnam is Russia's largest trading partner in the ASEAN region and the fifth largest in APEC economies (after China, the United States, South Korea and Japan).


In which, the export turnover of goods of the Russian Federation to Vietnam reached 2.24 billion USD, up 38.3% (ranked 39th among trading partners of Russia); Import turnover from Vietnam reached 4.89 billion USD, up 20.9% compared to 2020 (ranked 12th among the main import partners of Russia). Vietnam has a trade surplus with Russia of 2.65 billion USD in 2021.