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Attracting foreign investment from overseas Vietnamese: Many prospects


Up to now, Vietnam has attracted 376 investment projects of overseas Vietnamese in the form of foreign direct investment (FDI) with a total registered capital of 1.72 billion USD, mainly in the processing and manufacturing industries.

Mr. Vu Van Chung - Deputy Director General of Foreign Investment Agency (Ministry of Planning and Investment) informed that Vietnam has now attracted 34700 FDI projects with a total registered capital of 418.80 billion USD from 141 countries, regions and territories in the world, in which the major FDI partners of Vietnam are Korea, Singapore, Japan... FDI has a great contribution to the economy, accounting for about 25% of the total investment capital and 23% of GDP as well as contributing from 21-23% of budget revenue and creating jobs for about 6 million workers. FDI inflows also now account for 68-70% of Vietnam's export value and 55% of its industrial production value. It shows that FDI still plays a very important role for the socio-economic development of Vietnam.

Among Vietnam's FDI projects, there are 376 FDI projects of overseas Vietnamese living in 29 countries around the world with a total registered capital of about 1.72 billion USD. The FDI projects have been present in 42/63 provinces and cities nationwide with many fields such as energy, processing industry, manufacturing, services, in which the processing and manufacturing industry accounts for the majority.

“However, these figures are only relative numbers, because this is a statistics from abroad to Vietnam, while indirect investment through remittances and other forms of investment is very large, because the remittances to Vietnam is about more than 10 billion USD on average every year ( the remittances reached 12.5 billion USD in 2021). This is a huge source of capital to actively serve the socio-economic development of Vietnam.”, Mr. Vu Van Chung added.

because this is a statistic in the direction of investment from abroad into Vietnam, while indirect investment through remittances and other forms of investment in other countries is very large, because On average, 1 year of remittances to Vietnam is about more than 10 billion USD, typically, in 2021, remittances to Vietnam will reach 12.5 billion USD. This is a huge source of capital to actively serve the socio-economic development of Vietnam” – Mr. Vu Van Chung added.

In comparison to the total 34,700 FDI projects and 418.8 billion USD that Vietnam has attracted, the amount of direct investment from overseas Vietnamese is still quite "modest". However, according to a representative of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the opportunity for Vietnam to attract more FDI inflows from overseas Vietnamese is still very large. Especially, the overseas Vietnamese community has been growing and has economic potentials and opportunities to access science and technology platforms in developed countries.

Regarding policies to attract overseas investment, Mr. Vu Van Chung said that Vietnam has also introduced many open policies to create favorable conditions for overseas businessmen to return home. Specifically, for overseas Vietnamese, when investing and doing business in Vietnam under the Investment Law 2020, if they still have Vietnamese nationality, they are considered as Vietnamese citizens and will follow the same mechanisms, policies, and procedures as for Vietnamese. However, for overseas Vietnamese who possess both Vietnamese nationality and a foreign nationality, the Law stipulates that the investors are allowed to choose investment incentives as prescribed by law. For example, if they select Vietnamese nationality, the investment law will be applied as for Vietnamese citizens.

According to economic experts, Vietnam is resuming normal business and social life to recover its economy. Recently, the government has introduced many policies to support businesses and investors, creating favorable conditions to do business in Vietnam. In particular, Vietnam has approved the Economic Recovery and Development Program for 2022 -  2023 with a total amount of VND 350,000 billion, of which about 50% will be disbursed in 2022. It is considered to be an important driving force for Vietnam's economy to break through in 2022 and the following years. Furthermore, Vietnam has been also implemented activities on international integration, economic cooperation and development. International flights have been reopened, tourists have been able to come to Vietnam, and foreign experts have also benefited from coming to Vietnam to work, implement investment plans; Vietnam’s investment attraction policies continue to be renewed through administrative reform and preferential mechanisms are very competitive compared to many countries in the region. These are positive signals for Vietnam to attract FDI projects and overseas FDI in general.

Vietnam's success in combating Covid-19 has also contributed to increasing the prestige and safety of the investment and business environment, encouraging overseas Vietnamese businesses from all over the world to continue to invest in Vietnam in the coming time.